5" Realistic, Carved Rhodonite Skull

This is a 5" long skull that was crafted and polished from rhodonite that was collected from Madagascar. The polish work is nice and the detailing is quite intricate with nearly the entire mandible being carved free from the rest of the skull.

There are multiple repaired cracks and filled gaps throughout this skull. Intricate cutting and polishing of rhodonite can be difficult because of its varied hardness. The pink manganese silicate is more stable than the manganese oxide veins that run throughout the specimen, resulting in fracturing and/or breakage of some specimens. These defects of this polished skull have been reflected in the price.

Rhodonite is a manganese silicate well known among collectors for its beautiful pink and red colors. The red variety can be so deep red that it rivals rubies in color. Rhodonite often has black manganese oxide veins running through its masses, giving it a distinct look with pink with black crisscrossing lines and flower-like formations throughout.

Rhodonite with Manganese Oxide
5" long, 4" tall, 3.5" wide